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- Frenzel Tongue Depressor 16.5cm
- Tongue depressor wooden 16cm
- Tongue Depressor plastic 15cm
- Haas Tongue Depressor acrylic glass 16cm
- Buchwald Tongue Depressor 17cm
- Tongue Depressor blue nylon autoclaved 18.5cm
- Tongue Depressor bayonet 14.5cm
- Tongue Depressor 14.5cm
- Loebker Tongue holding Forceps 15.5cm
- Mathieu Tongue holding Forceps 19cm
- Young Tongue Holding Forceps 17cm
- Caplan Nasal Hump Scissors Straight saw edge 215mm
- Reich Condyle Retractor 14.5cm
- Reich Condyle Retractor 18cm
- Retractor Obwegeser 16x90mm, 23cm
- Dunn Dautrey Posterior Retractor 14.5cm
- Salzburg Condylar Neck Retractor 22.5cm
- Obwegeser Soft Tissue Retractor 7x25mm, 22cm
- Intra Oral Retractor without Fiber Optic Fitting 21cm
- Intra Oral Retractor Fiber Optic Fitting 23cm
- Intra Oral Retractor without Fiber Optic Fitting 21cm
- Extra Oral Retractor with Fiber Optic Fitting 27cm
- Intra Oral Retractor with Fiber Optic Fitting 24cm
- Pterygo-Masseteric sling 6.5mm 23cm
- Obwegeser Periosteal Elevator 17.5cm
- Salzburg Border Stripper sharp 7mm, 17.5cm
- Cottle Alar Retractor 15cm
- Bone Graft Osteotome 20cm
- Marchac Chisel Straight 18.5cm
- Tessier Bone Graft Osteotome 10mm, 20cm
- Tessier Osteotome Straight flat handle 16cm
- Tessier Osteotome flat handle 16cm
- Dunn Dautrey Lateral Retractor 6x13mm, 13.5cm
- Medial Condyle Retractor 16cm
- Reich Condyle Retractor with Fiber Optic fitting 15x15, 17cm
- Reich Palpation Probe left 17.5cm
- TMJ Condyle Retractor small 6x10mm, 21.5cm
- Condyle Retractor serrated blade 8x27mm, 21cm
- Glenoid Condyle Retractor 19cm
- Awty Condylar Neck Retractor 22cm
- Obwegeser Alveolar Retractor 13.5-23x70mm, 22cm
- Obwegeser Tissue Retractor upward 11x40mm, 22cm
- SteinhÄuser Soft Tissue Retractor 20x50mm, 23.5cm right
- Sailer Soft Tissue Retractor 7x25mm, 15cm
- Wassmund Soft Tissue Retractor 33x20mm, 21cm
- Kreidler Soft Tissue Retractor 5x20mm, 21cm
- Salzburg Soft Tissue Retractor 13mm, 14cm
- Soft Tissue Retractor with F/O/fitting 20x90mm 14cm
- Hargis Mandibular Body Retractor 13mm, 17cm
- Piriform Rim Retractor 17cm