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Bone Surgery 2
Langenbeck Periosteal Raspatory
$0.00 -
Sedillot Periosteal Elevator 21cm
$0.00 -
Farabeuf Periosteal Elevator 15cm
$0.00 -
Periosteal Raspatory serrated back 17cm
$0.00 -
Williger Periosteal Raspatory
$0.00 -
Periosteal Raspatory 16cm
$0.00 -
Bone Raspatory with fibre handle 20mm, 27.5cm
$0.00 -
Wagner Bone Raspatory with Fiber Handle 33cm
$0.00 -
Periosteal Elevator with fibre handle 6mm, 19cm
$0.00 -
Raspatory with fibre handle
$0.00 -
Periosteal Elevator Straight round edge 20mm, 20cm
$0.00 -
Cobb Type Spinal Elevator 24cm